In the early 1990s, Community Church of the Nazarene in Waltham headed by Reverend David Nolan had a handful of Haitians who joined the English-speaking congregation for worship service. But, it didn’t take the church pastor too long, under the insistence of well-established members, to ask those few through one of their own to find a different time to hold their separate church service. Consequently, a small group ministry comprised of about twelve people was born under the leadership of Brother Raymond Justin, assuming every role, except that Pastor Nolan had to intervene occasionally to assist with preaching and sacraments like serving Holy Communion. Eventually, it was deemed necessary for the group to get its own pastor for numerical and spiritual growth. When Brother Justin went on the hunt for a Haitian church minister in 1992, he found Pastor Rosemond Antoine, who was an ordained minister before he became a member of the church of the Nazarene.

On January 24, 1993, God birthed the vision of the Waltham Haitian Church of the Nazarene. We started with a small group of parishioners and within a couple decades, our congregation, which represents all age groups, has grown significantly. After twenty-nine years, we must proudly say that many lives have been impacted by our church ministry. To God be the glory!